About the U.S. News & World Report 2024 Best Elementary & Middle School Rankings

Eligible elementary and middle Schools can display a U.S. News-trademarked Best Elementary and Middle Schools award "badge" (logo). There are also specialized badges for magnet and charter schools. These badges are offered so that eligible schools can celebrate and promote their high rankings.
Eligible Schools can purchase customized plaques and banners featuring the badge. You can also buy licenses that provide permission to display each badge on a school’s website, social media, signage, apparel and a variety of other locations. Purchase of a badge license or promotional materials will not affect current or future rankings. We are the official licensing agent of U.S. News & World Report.
For more information on how U.S. News evaluates public elementary and Middle schools please see this methodology.
For more information about the methodology, rankings or data questions please contact: official@usnews.com
For more information about badge usage or to request a complimentary press release template please contact: schoolrankings@usnews.com